Thursday, June 9, 2016

My Class Evaluation

                                                                      Class Evaluation

  1. 1 thing I like about this class was that we many different class works. We did our blogger, Medical Career Pathways, and our Journals.
  2. 1 thing that I didn't like about the class was that we the same things everyday you didn't take a risk and try new things.
  3. To improve this class you need to think of new ideas so the class can make an experience on doing knew things.
  4. The highlight of this class was the Student Success Statements it made me really think about myself and how I can improve to be a CTR person.
  5. Yes I did my best in this because I did all my work and always wrote in my Life Planning Goals Journal.
  6. I am reading my Life Planning Goals Journal everyday because it helps me remember I wrote this so I have to accomplish it and it helps me by focusing on many things not just one.
  7. I am committed to being a CTR person because it makes me a better person and if helped me maybe me being a CTR person will make others change become a CTR person.
  8. One thing that I learned from this class is to be a CTR person and this is something I want to pass down so others can do the same with their life.
  9. One that i will remember about this class is to always Choose The Right and never be a C**.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


           “I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating”By Sophocles

This quote is great because it talks about how to be honorable. It also tells us that we shouldn’t  win by doing the wrong and cheat. It teaches us how to fail but be honorable. It shows how we need to be lose with honor and not win by cheating. A great example of this quote is if i fail a test it's okay because i failed it with honor. Another great example of this quote is we win the championship ,but we did by cheating, that's not showing honor and being a true winner. That’s showing us that you are not trustworthy and you can’t keep a secret or tell the truth.


Describe Smoking: Smoking can cause other diseases to worsen. It also has more than 7,000 chemicals in a tobacco smoke cigar. The chemical in the cigars keep users addicted to their product.

Who’s involved?: The people that are involved are the companies that make the cigars. They aren't the only ones to blame because most of the people that are addicted or died of lung cancer it's their fault because they were the ones who bought the cigars. They already knew the outcome of what was going to happen to them .

What's being done about smoking?: The government has step in and try to reduce the amount of smokers in their states. They are trying their best to help people reduce the urged to smoke.

Reflection: This topic does not relate to me or my family because we don't smoke. It doesn’t relate to me but it relates to the whole world because more than one quarter of people smoke. This is bad because cause people to end up with cancer and other deadly diseases.  

Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day

                                         Memorial Day
Memorial day is a day for all the soldiers that died in the wars are remembered.It's every year on May 30. Some ways to pay your respects are to visit veterans that died in the wars so we can have a better life. We can show our respects by raising a flag and also just by saying thank you to them for all their hard work in keeping our country safe.  Things i'll be doing on memorial day is i always go to the cemetery and hear the memorial speech. After that i don’t do anything else to pay my respect to them.Which ill be changing that in the near future.

Every Memorial day it’s a great time of year because we are celebrating the people that fought and died getting our freedom. This day helps us remember how grateful we should be because they fought for our freedom that we have today. It helps us remember all the families that lost someone and make them feel better for their loss.It makes those families that lost someone feel gratitude for their service. The U.S do this so we can have respect for the people in the uniform and are fighting right now.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


                    Eight great reasons to tell the truth Barbara A. Lewis

  1. Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There's less chance of misunderstanding, confusion , or conflict
  2. Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
  3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn what happened ?
  4. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than lying
  5. Other people trust you more when you tell the truth
  6. You don't have to tell more lies to keep your story straight
  7. You gain a reputation for being truthful
  8. Telling the truth helps you feel secure and peaceful inside

These 8 reason to tell the truth are great because it helps try to learn to always to tell the truth. We also learn from these 8 reason that we shouldn’t lie because it hurts people that innocent and didn’t do anything. It also helps you to  have a rep of telling the truth. These are great reason because it helps you from getting into more trouble than you already are. A great example of this is if your teacher tells you did you cheat and you say no but he know you cheated. Now instead of you getting the 0 only your friend also got the 0.

Monday, May 23, 2016


“If I’ve got correct goals, and if i keep pursuing them the best way i know how, everything else falls into line.If i do the right thing right, I'm going to succeed.” By Dan Dierdorf

This quote is telling us to set correct goals and not ones that are incorrect goals. It also tells us that if we keep pursuing them the best way we can we will accomplish them. It shows how we can succeed by just setting goals. It also shows how not to set goals that are not correct ones we should always make the correct goals.A good example of this quote is i’m setting goals to be successful and keep on pursuing them i will succeed because i'm doing the right thing to do. Another good example of this quote is if you're doing the right thing and writing goals down to help improve the way you live and help others not just yourself. This quotes is amazing because it talks about how to be successful. It also talks how to do the right thing and not choose the wrong.

Wellness Specialist

                                              Wellness Specialist
Duties and responsibilities:The duties of a wellness specialist is to educate the public to improve their way of life and daily choices. They also do public speaking to inform the public so they can live a healthy life. They also help by doing outdoor exercises  and getting people to be more active.

Salary: The average of a wellness specialist is 53,000 dollars a year. Some other wellness specialist make more because that just the median amount they make a year.

Education: Each wellness specialist is demand different requirements to become a wellness specialist, but many require at least a bachelor's degree.

Demand for this Profession: There is a  large demand for wellness specialist because it will soon grow by a large percentage of 37%.

Reflection: It would be awesome to help people and i would love to be a wellness specialist because you can help people that need help by telling them how to live right.