Tuesday, November 10, 2015

veterans day

                                                                                 Veterans Day
Veterans Day is when the war of the wars had ended and is a holiday of the U.S. Veterans Day is on November 11, 2015 which marks the end of the war. The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor the people that have severed our country. The purpose of the holiday is to show your respect and show the people who fought for us have some type good feeling for what they did. It is important to respect and honor on veteran day because it’s showing something like paying them back for their duties. It’s easy to show your honor and respect just y; writing letters, writing songs, poems and giving back to the people who served for us and died for us.

Veterans Day is a day to give back to the people that have severed our great country. This is why we have a role which is to show our respect and honor for one day. Many of the people who have served have died and now we have to show our honor just like they did when they were in war.

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