Friday, January 29, 2016


"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right" By Dean Smith

Dean meant by this was he wasn't doing all these nice things to leave a legacy he was simply doing what was right. He accomplished a lot of things like winning almost 900 games. Dean also made of his players become great men when they leave Dean. Dean before he was about to die he gave each player 200 dollars so they can eat with their wife's.Dean also meant by this quote is that by doing the things the right way you can make your own legacy. A good example of this is if a homeless man needs money and you give him 2 dollars  your doing the right thing but later you find a 5 dollar bill on the floor. This is also a great quote because sometimes if you do the right thing you might get something in return.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


"Its not about how to achieve your dreams. Its about how to lead your life . If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma ( destiny, fortune,good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come toto you."By Dr.Randy Pausch
 This is a good quote because it talks about how to live your life. It also talks about how that karma is the outcome and it will take care of itself . This will make your dreams come to you and you wont have to work as hard to achieve your dreams. Randy also tells us that living the right way will make it easier too get to the goals that we set. A example is when a teacher seen you cheating on a test and you say no this will make you get an F on the test. But if you say yes the teacher might say ill let you slide because you were honest about it . Another good example would be if you see someone getting attack and you help them the other people watching will consider you as a hero to him
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Thursday, January 21, 2016


"Take responsibility for your own body,mind and spirit, for your own physical, mental and spiritual well being" BY Mr Haymore

This quote is great just because Mr.haymore said it. Mr.Haymore is trying to tell us to take of our bodies. He is also saying that keeping your mind and spirit in a good place and helps you be a CTR student. He also trying to tell to stay away from drugs and bad influences. Mr.Haymore talk about the mind,body and spirit he is saying f you take good care of that you will be a CTR student.He is also trying to tell us that being at the right state of mind and body and spirit will help you achieve your goals in life.A great example of this would be if their 2 doors. The one to your right has college and good career , but the one on the left has drugs bad influences. And you choose the right it will mean you choose your body mind and spirit to be right and be corrupt.

LAUSD Student Services

                                                                  Student Services
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LAUSD provide many services and helps out a lot of the students. Theses student gets services like code of conduct, beyond the bell and summer school.They also have after school activities with many different sports to choose from. LAUSD doesn't just provide free school education they also provide school safety.And with the school safety they also provide transportation for kid who have a mental disease.The schools in Los Angeles are great because they many different alternatives like with social media and with and with all the students information.All la students have a consular that will help them achieve their goal and graduate.They even this guide that will help them get to college.LAUSD even has online learning where kids don't have to be in the classroom to learn they can be anywhere and still learn.And some student might have an LAUSD email.These thing you a better student and helps LAUSD student graduate and go on to college.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


"The intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character ,that is the goal of true education"
Image result for mlk
MLK is trying to tell us not to settle with good education. He is telling us to go out our way and have great character with the intelligence. With those to to things you can do anything because will be respecting you and wont dis respect you because of your character.Also because how smart he is and how he shows it.A good example would be if you win the soccer game because of how good your team is but you don't shake hands with the other team this shows that you don't have any character. Another example would be if you get an A on the test but show it off this will make you have bad character and people wont respect your decision.


                                                                   Neonatologist (Neonatology)
Duties and responsibilities: Consist of medical care of newborns and infants. They also treat the new born if they are ill or sick  
Salary: the salary of a neonatologist is a little bit less than 200,000 dollars a year
Education: To become one you need to have 14 years of training some in college and some years in medical school. You also need a bachelor’s degree

Reflection: I would may consider being one mainly because I like babies and it will be fun but the hard part is how many years of school you have to do in order to become a Neonatologist.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do,and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do"By Richard L. Evans
This is a great quote because it tells us to learn from our actions. So you can learn to stop doing negative things and start doing things that are positive and that will help people out.Also shows how to start doing good deeds and not just be doing things you wouldn't want people doing to you. This is telling us that being a negative person is not right. Also that its never to late to change who you are. A good example of this would be like if you get all fails on your test its not to late to change it and get that grade that will impress your parents with that A in your final tests. Another good example would be if  you had a pet and you neglected for the past week and its sad you can start doing the right thing and care for the pet. These example show how you can change in a matter of just telling your self i have to starting doing good and i have to stop doing bad.


Duties and responsibilities: They are dentist that help out and fix your simile. They also guide your teeth so they can grow straight and all over the place. To fix the problem they do x rays on your teeth so they grow straight and won’t have any problems in the future.
Salary: They make a little below 200,000 a year
Education: College they have to do 2 more years of DDS or DMD which will help in their career choice

Reflection: I would not like to be a orthodontist because you have to stick things into others peoples mouths and that’s gross.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


                                               "When you tell one lie it leads to another"
This quote is telling us that when you lie about something it leads to being a habit. Also means that that to get out of a lie you have to lie again but it just leads to being untruthful. It also mean no would ever want to trust you about something. A little lie can make you not graduate or join the club you always wanted to be in. This will be your rep no ever trusting you. A good example of this quote would be like if you fake a grade on your report card and your mom finds out your parent will be disappointed and wont trust you.
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                                                                        School Break
For my break my family came and celebrated Christmas with us at my house. We all had a great time and we eat pasta with ribs on the side. This Christmas was basically my mom’s children and my sister’s kids. When we had opened the presents everyone was happy because they got they wanted. For New Year’s I spent it at my cousin’s house because he wanted to host New Year’s. We got at his house around 8 because he lives in Merano Valley. Me and my dad were making a fire to keep us warm because it was cold that day. When the television was counting down the time I was happy for some reason. New Years was great but not for my uncle because he drank a little too much and then he just started throwing up everywhere he went but wouldn’t stop drinking. Even got a little vomit on my shoes. We had to stay because my uncle was watching all these accidents on tv and didn’t want us in one late at night. And that was my winter break for me.
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